Keynote Day 1: The Agilists’ Emerging Superpower and Our Planetary Challenge
April 21st @11:10 - 11:50am
You may be experiencing first-hand that we are in an age of VUCA -- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. If that’s not challenging enough, Harvard Business Review “ups the ante” on VUCA and tells us we are living in a time of 3-dimensional change. It’s perpetual -- occurring all the time, it never lets up. It’s pervasive -- unfolding in multiple areas of life at once, you can’t escape it. And it’s exponential -- accelerating at an increasingly rapid rate, and humans aren’t built for exponential. In other words, it is not likely that you will be getting off the change bus anytime soon, there is no brake pedal and it’s almost impossible for you to see what is coming next. Feeling any discomfort? If so, you are normal! This constant-change environment is often frighteningly uncomfortable AND it is where we Agilists thrive.
As Agilists, we know how to guide ourselves and others through challenging situations where there is not a clear “right” answer or “winning” strategy. This is our emerging superpower! Yet, there are important conversations we are not having with our teams and especially with our leaders. It’s time to change that.
In this keynote, Lyssa Adkins, Agility & Leadership Coach, guides you to a deeper understanding of the change currents running beneath the modern working world and helps you explore the change edge you may be experiencing (psst… it’s the one that holds you back from having the really important conversations). Never fear! You will leave the keynote with a clear way to prepare yourself for having that conversation.
Lyssa will take our attention to the overarching change we are all experiencing which is the ability of our home, our one planet, to sustain us. She holds the notion that perhaps Agile is no accident and has emerged at exactly the right time to help us meet today's significant challenges and paradigm shifts. If so, what might be our part to play? How might we use our emerging superpower for good?
About the Speaker
I am an Agile + professional coach, facilitator, teacher and inspirer. My current focus is improving the performance of top leadership teams through insightful facilitation and organization systems coaching. Making difficult decisions faster and with clear alignment, unknotting challenging multi-department impediments, creating the conditions for smooth organizational delivery, helping leaders take up the “Agile transformation” that is theirs to make…this is where I thrive and help thrive.
I have been pleased to serve the emergence of Agile Coaching as a profession. In 2010, I co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute which has developed over 10,000 people in the knowledge, skills and being-ness needed to yield genuinely competent agile coaching. Since 2011, I have been a member of the ICAgile working committee that defines the learning objectives for Agile Facilitation and Coaching and I assess candidates for the ICAgile-Expert in Agile Coaching competence-based certification. I have also served the Scrum Alliance as an application reviewer for the Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) designation.
I am the author of Coaching Agile Teams, which is still a top-10 Agile book years after publication.
I like to explore facilitating intense conflict, societal change, organizational change, the benefits and costs of being human in the workplace, agile coaching, agile transformation, adult human development, human systems dynamics, the role of nature, and books of all sorts. I tend toward a balance of the provocative and practical.
I hold an alphabet soup of certifications: ICAgile Expert in Agile Coaching (ICE-AC), Scrum Alliance Certified Enterprise Coach Emeritus (CEC-E), International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Organization and Relationship Systems Certified Coach (ORSCC) and Certified Integral Facilitator (IF). I am also a trained Co-Active Coach and Leader.